Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who's My Neighbor?

Everyone who has gone to Sunday School has heard the parable of the Good Samaritan. For those who haven't here is the story:

Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins [Greek: two denarii] and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

Luke 10:30–37, New International Version

I can not understand the hate for groups of people in the United States. I pick on the U.S., because I am an American, and I am damn well embarressed to be an American at this point in my life.

I see hate from so many Christians. Mostly against homosexuals, atheist, and immigrants. In this bitch session, I will focus on the immigrants. Jan Brewer, the governor of Arizona is one of these hateful, spiteful christians. She says that she often prays with her staffers about difficult issues.

"we stop, and we take that time, and we pray
about it," explaining, "I firmly believe that God has placed me... in this powerful position of Arizona's governor to help guide our state through the difficulty that we are currently facing."

well, I hope you read your bible too lady! Jesus clearly said to take care of all, not matter whether they are one of your own, or not. No matter what you think of him/her, it is your job to take care of that person. How did she miss this in the New Testament? I am an atheist, and I knew about this story!

Now, let's go look at this scripture in the old testament

Leviticus 19:33-34 (New International Version)

33: " 'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34: The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

well, it looks as though that commandment came straight from the big boss himself! Jan, if you are going to claim to be a christian, use your bible as a reference manual, a set of directions if you will. The profiling law you passed in Arizona is there for one purpose, to stir the hate. Today the Mexicans, next who? You, Gov. Jan Brewer, are making your state a target. A target for many lawsuits for many years to come. A target for hate groups such as the KKK, Neo Nazis, Skin Heads and other various militia groups. I hope you are happy with the results. You have caused revenue to drop in Arizona businesses by 30%, teachers to be laid off due to federal aid being taken away as hundreds of Latino kids are pulled from your public schools, some facing closure. Clinics in rural areas closing due to lack of funding, they have lost their clients! The housing market in your state is between a rock and a hard place now with banks having to cut their losses. Is this your fictional god punishing you for making poor decisions and clearly acting against what he has told you to do? He did tell you not to behave this way, it is clearly in the old and new testament. the only good thing to come of this is that Republicans are quickly losing ground. I expect we will see Washington dominated by Democrats after the next election. Thanks for that Lady!

While we are on the subject of Jan Brewer, she passed a law some time ago that would deny benefits to domestic partners, and adult children who are in college, or have a disability. This woman just will not stop until she has screwed the population of Arizona! Hey people in Arizona, are you not pissed enough to pull a Grey Davis maneuver? You should be!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our STUPID AWARD for the day goes too.....

Group will sue McDonald's over Happy Meal toys


WASHINGTON – Are the toys in your child's Happy Meal making him fat?

The Center for Science in the Public Interest says they are. The Washington-based consumer advocacy group threatened to file a lawsuit against McDonald's Tuesday, charging that the fast food chain "unfairly and deceptively" markets the toys to children.

McDonald's marketing has the effect of conscripting America's children into an unpaid drone army of word-of-mouth marketers, causing them to nag their parents to bring them to McDonald's," CSPI's Stephen Gardner wrote to the heads of the chain in a letter announcing the lawsuit.

The center, which has filed dozens of lawsuits against food companies in recent years, is hoping the publicity and the threat of a lawsuit will force McDonald's to negotiate with them on the issue. The group announced the lawsuit in the letter to McDonald's 30 days before filing it with the hope that the company will agree to stop selling the toys before a suit is filed.

McDonald's Vice President of Communications, William Whitman, said in a statement that the company "couldn't disagree more" with CSPI's assertion that their toys violate any laws. He said McDonald's restaurants offer more variety than they ever have and Happy Meals are made smaller for kids.

"We are proud of our Happy Meal which gives our customers wholesome food and toys of the highest quality and safety," Whitman said. "Getting a toy is just one part of a fun, family experience at McDonald's."

CSPI says the suit would be filed in state court. The center has not settled on a state yet, but the group believes the toys in Happy Meals violate state consumer protection laws in Massachusetts, Texas, the District of Columbia, New Jersey and California.

California's Santa Clara County voted earlier this year to ban restaurants from giving away the toys and other freebies that often come with high-calorie meals aimed at kids.

McDonald's has fought such criticism for years, and the company made a pledge in 2007 to advertise only two types of Happy Meals to children younger than 12: one with four Chicken McNuggets, apple dippers with caramel dip and low-fat white milk, or one with a hamburger, apple dippers and milk. They both meet the company-set requirement of less than 600 calories, and no more than 35 percent of calories from fat, 10 percent of calories from saturated fat or 35 percent total sugar by weight.

CSPI argues that even if those Happy Meals appear in advertisements, kids order the unhealthier meals most of the time.

The group is hoping its first lawsuit against the mega-chain will have a similar effect as its 2006 lawsuit against Kellogg that prompted the company to agree to a settlement raising the nutritional value of cereals and snacks it markets to children.

Still, some may accuse the group of extremism, arguing that it's the parents' responsibility to monitor what their children eat, not the restaurant's.

Michael Jacobson, executive director of CSPI, says it's the parents responsibility too, but he equates the toy giveaways to a door to door salesman coming to a family's house every day and asking to privately speak with the children.

"At some point parents get worn down," Jacobson says. "They don't always want to be saying no to their children. We feel like an awful lot of parents would be relieved if this one pressure was removed from them."

McDonald's also came under fire over Happy Meals earlier this year when it recalled 12 million "Shrek" drinking glasses sold with the meals. The Consumer Product Safety Commission said the levels of the carcinogen cadmium in the glasses was too high.

how stupid and irresponsible are these parents? Why are they having children to begin with?

I posted this article on my FB page, here are the comments that followed:

Friend #1: You should really see the documentary Killer At Large. It does an excellent job addressing this very argument. Kids are subjected to hundreds of thousands of ads directed at them each year. The purpose of these ads is to develop brand loyalty at a very early age. There is no way for parents to compete with this constant message.

Friend #2: I disagree. Turn off the damn TV! Monitor their exposure to media. Really, who's in charge here?

Friend #1: The system is set up to make the parent the automatic bad guy if they limit their kids' exposure to such things. You cannot control what they have access to 24/7. There are billboards, print ads, schools, movies, books. It's everywhere.

Friend #2: In which case it is the parent's job to say --- NO! Again, who is in charge here?

Me: I agree with Friend #2 100%!!!! Sorry Friend #1, but a parent has a responsibility to guard and guide their children. If your child is seeing that many adverts in a year, you are a poor parent with poor parenting skills. My children watch 1 hour of TV a day, if even that. We involve them in play where they can use their imagination, sports, dance, music,,,etc..we have plenty for them to do out side and inside without constantly barrage them with tv everyday. Parents do not need to compete. I am not my children's friend, I am their parent, I am in charge. I make the rules. When I say no, I mean no and it is nonnegotiable! Also, my kids are not allowed to eat hamburgers or pizza from a burger joint more than twice a month. When we do have pizza or burgers, usually it is at home grilled burgers or home made pizza. it is another thing we do together. But I am the final word, I am the authority. It is my job to make sure my kids eat healthy. When we drive by McDonalds and my kids start whining for a happy meal I say NO, and keep driving past McDonalds. How freaking difficult is that? What we have here is a case of LAZY PARENTING and lack of responsibility. Parents just do not want to deal with their own kids. It is easier for them to buy the meal to 'shut them up.'

As the mother of several children, I assure you this method has worked well for me for years. My children have not suffered any over the lack of Happy Meals in their life.

Need I say anymore? I think Friend #2 and I have pretty much covered it!

Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip clubs and pornography

this article was written by:

Tuesday, June 22nd 2010, 12:36 PM

The Texas Republican Party gives a whole new meaning to the word conservative.

The GOP there has voted on a platform that would ban oral and anal sex. It also would give jail sentences to anyone who issues a marriage license to a same-sex couple (even though such licenses are already invalid in the state).

“We oppose the legalization of sodomy,” the platform says. “We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.”

The Lone Star state initially passed a law barring sodomy in 1860. Violators faced anywhere from five to 15 years in prison. The ban was overturned in 2003.

In addition, the platform says that homosexuality “tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit and leads to the spread of dangerous communicable diseases.”

It also states that homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in public schools and “family” should not be redefined to include homosexual couples.

The 25-page proposal, presented last week as a guide for the state GOP over the next two years, includes other measures including outlawing “sexually oriented businesses” like strip clubs and banning “all pornography.”

so this is the exchange on a friends FB wall that shows me how many stupid people there are still out there for me to bitch about!

ME: well, Arizona is losing a lot of revenue by running out both legal and illegal immigrants. they are losing clinics, schools and business. laying off teachers, cutting programs the housing market is suffering...etc.. they have shot themselves in the foot. Now let's watch Texas screw themselves out of revenue when all the GLBT folks pack up and leave Texas. Think I'll pop some popcorn and pour me a coke now, this could get interesting.

Stupid Friend #1: zero loss in losing non-taxpaying illegals that suck off infrastructure. zero.

(hey stupid! My comment was a comparison, your comment should have been about the new anti gay, anti anal sex, anti blow job law!)

Stupid Friend #2: Rock on Walt! (simply because she has nothing of value to add.)

Stupid Friend #1: and I shall. ;)

Me: Really? because of Arizona's racial profiling law, Arizona is having to lay off teachers in the schools where these people are pulling their children by the hundreds! They are looking at closing schools, and rural clinics. They are both losing thousands in funding. Arizona is also seeing problems in the housing market, foreclosures on the homes people bought cost the banks a lot of money. Businesses are seeing a 30% dip in revenue. Arizona business, housing market, banks, schools, and clinics are all suffering and feeling the financial crunch. I hope they continue to slide down the potty and are a model for the rest of the country showing that they do indeed contribute more than they take.

now, back to the Original Post, why is it anyone's business what goes on behind someone's closed bedroom door? How are they going to enforce these messed up laws? Walt, I hope you don't like Blow jobs, otherwise you may find yourself in jail according to this law! They are not just dictating what gays can do in their bedrooms, this affects straight people as well!

I really do not see them closing strip clubs since the majority of men in government frequent these businesses. As far as banning porn goes well, there will be a lot of priest, preachers and church going folks in your jails. Studies have shown from IP logged addresses that it is church going folk who regularly access porno websites.

Also, how are Gay folks non tax paying illegals?! WTH?! Every gay person I know pays their taxes and spends money in their city, state, country! If all the gays left Texas, they would lose a lot of their revenue as well as government officials. I was just comparing the rapid decline of Arizona's revenue to what may be the rapid decline of Texas revenue if the gay folk do the same as legal and illegal folks are doing in Arizona. BTW, LEGAL immigrants are leaving Arizona as well. They can feel the atmosphere of hate this new law has created and are no longer comfortable there.I am assuming you are a christian,did your Jesus teach you to love your neighbor but with restrictions to skin color, nationality, origin, and religion? I thought the story was LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR PERIOD. To be a christian is to be christ like. I do not remember Christ teaching to have an attitude of hate toward their fellow man.

Yea, you keep rockin on there Walt! today they tell gays what they can and can not do in their bedroom, now straight folks are being told they can't engage in anal sex or oral sex, next thing you know you will be told what positions you can and can not use within the privacy on your own bedroom. you might think about this law the next time you want your gal to give you a BJ there Walt!

Now I ask you, what kind of dumb ass respects or even thinks this law can be good or useful? First and foremost, I do not want a lawmaker to tell me what I can and can not do in my bedroom. My husband and I can decide that on our own fine without outside interference. How are they going to enforce this law anyways? you have no proof of what one does in their bedroom. I know couples who are celibate due to medical reasons. I know gay men who are in relationships who are celibate!

We know this law is aimed at the GLBT community which you should know I stand behind 100% they pay taxes, they are first rate citizens, they are my brothers and sisters. I believe in equal rights for ALL!! now, it may be aimed at the GLBT community, but if you read the law, it also targets the heterosexual community as well. Hey, what straight woman doesn't like a little cunnilingus? what straight man doesn't like a blow job? well be careful, they are now treading into your territory! No matter how you feel about Gay rights, if you stand by and do not support their rights, the government will take them away, then they will come after YOU! Next thing you know we are back to missionary position and anything else will be punishable by jail time.

I fully expect this law to be repealed by ACLU. If not you can bet it will be repealed the first time we see the Governor of Texas of some other government official caught giving signals in a bathroom stall, or some other compromising position that boots him out of the closet.