I have people at work and other places who are completely shocked to find out I am an atheist. they invite me to religious things and I reply rather nicely "I appreciate the invite, but I am an atheist and really do not go to those things, but thanks for thinking of me." I leave them standing there with their chin on the ground. I hear things like "but you have a family/kids!" or "but you seem so normal" yes, I am thank you very much! LOL!! We are all normal everyday people who happen to live without a god/gods. What are we suppose to be like? are we suppose to have talons, horns? are we suppose to be reading "how to cook a baby for dinner in 5 easy steps"? the misconceptions about atheist abound! Then I hear "I have never known an atheist before!" Uhm, yes you have, you may not know it, but you have/do! many of us have stayed hidden for many years for fear of loss, but we have always been there just waiting for a good time to come out.
It seems to be a good time to come out, I am actually surprised to know there are more like me, I find comfort in the fact that I am not alone, I have surrounded myself with others who think along the same lines as I do, and I must say it is nice to converse with folks who know that just because I am an atheist, does not mean I am a satan worshiping, baby eating, chanting in the nude heathen! Although, I must say the "chanting in the nude" thing sounds rather fun, I have never done it. I do sing naked in the shower, does that count?!
The first time I was ever aware of atheist, I was in my early 20's, I met him in a book store and was terrified of him. I was told people like that were hell bound. I was not terrified because of that though, I was terrified because he was me! He thought the same things I had all of my life, but he was brave enough to say them aloud, at that point in my life I was really trying to believe so that I would not go to hell. I could not believe no matter what I did. I could go to church, but I never felt "moved" I never felt the holy spirit, I never heard god talking to me, I never felt emotional about any of it. I tried, but could not. I always thought something was wrong with me, now I have figured out that I was probably the only sane one in the bunch! It did not work, because just like a hypnotist has to have a participant who is willing to be hypnotized, religion has to have people who are willing to follow blindly. I have never been that kind of person.
I am grateful to those who have come out, I am thrilled to know I am OK mentally. I am very appreciative to those who took those steps so that I might not feel alone in my atheism. I am glad others stepped forward so that I might summon up the courage to do so as well. Thank you!
I came out at the age of 34. I had always been an atheist, but that year my daughter was put into hospice. I was sick of hearing that god had a reason. I was sick of seeing these people walk the halls of the Children's hospital just to come into my room and tell me that we would know why in god's time and they were praying for me. Only 2 people ever brought me food, none offered to sit with me, none wanted to acknowledge the many children in that hospital as they walked the halls to get to our room. I was disgusted with trying to be a christian when I knew it was all a load of shit anyways. I came out at that point. Some believe it was because of my daughter's illness, it was not. I can remember at the age of 5 telling my Sunday School teacher that it was a silly fairy tale. I can remember making up prayer request in Sunday school because I thought it was stupid, and I wanted to have a little fun. Told the whole class once that my grandparents were eaten by an allegator at the local zoo while visiting the previous day, but god answered our prayer for their safe return by puking them back up. Teacher did not think it was amusing, I explained that if a "big fish" could puke up Jonah unharmed with god's help after 3 whole days, the alligator should be able too as well, right? I was not allowed back in her class, seems she had a difficult time explaining why one scenario would work, while the other would not. My work there was done and I have been like that every since, asking questions, wanting answers.
I think about that atheist young man I met years ago in the book store, I wonder how he is doing today? It was a great sacrifice to come out back then, more so than it is now. Seems we are growing in numbers these days, that's a good thing. I am grateful to those who have given me courage to come out, and am grateful to those who continue to be firm and outspoken and continue to give me courage to stand my ground. I would never go back to the chains that bound, I would never be a slave to religion again, I am at last free! However, it is because of you people that I no longer hide in the shadows. Thank you!