Saturday, January 16, 2010

No Words, one last Bitch session on Patty Cakes!

This article came from a popular Christian website. There are just no words to use to explain the stupidity of the writer. No words. Do feel free to make a copy of Patty Cakes picture for future use in target practice, or dart throwing. I used it to line the bottom of my bird cage.

1.7 Billion Reasons to Defend Pat Robertson

Friday, 15 January 2010 19:14

It is excruciating to see the images of human suffering emanating from Haiti in the aftermath of the Pat Robertsondevastating earthquake. Prayers and practical compassionate care is truly needed.

But sometimes things are said in the midst of crises that exacerbate the already raw feelings of grieving people. So then what's all the fuss about Pat Robertson's remarks?

I first knew something was up while driving yesterday. I heard two national conservative talk radio personalities make some disparaging remarks about Pat Robertson, who, by the way, is one of the reasons they even have jobs. Pat was one of the most important leaders of a resurgent conservative movement.

When I got home I immediately looked up what Pat said and I was overwhelmed. But not by what Robertson had said, rather by the hype and hysteria of those who took an expression of genuine concern and hope for Haiti's future and used it to bash Pat.

Last week it was Fox News analyst Brett Hume's turn to be attacked because he dared to compassionately urge Tiger Woods to turn to Christianity and find forgiveness and redemption. Now it's Pat Robertson's turn.

Perhaps what we have here is a simple failure to communicate, but then again, what Pat said was not complicated. Or is it that there is so much contempt against Pat Robertson and /or what he represents, that no benefit of the doubt is to be afforded him? Or is there something else in play.

What exactly did Pat say that was so terribly egregious?

First he retold a very familiar story about the history of Haiti about a pact that was made by its revolutionary leaders. In exchange for help in throwing out the French Haiti would serve satan. Some have disputed this ever happened. But what is indisputable is Haiti's history ever since then has been one of incredible suffering.

To use Pat's words, Haiti's history was, "cursed, desperately poor." Then Pat went on to describe the incredible economic disparity between Haiti, which sits on one side of the Island of Hispaniola, and the Dominican Republic on the other side. So was Pat using "cursed" literally or metaphorically?

The modern cynic chaffs at any suggestion that there may be a connection between historical realities and unseen spiritual influences, or as the Bible calls it God's "blessing or cursing." Although most people are very comfortable with the notion that God blesses people, we are not at all comforted with the terrifying prospect that Almighty God might also curse.

The overwhelming majority of Americans believe in God and /or moral causality. Eastern religions call it Karma, but Christians call it God's Providence. I wonder if the reason that so many hate Pat is because he expressed what many Americans don't want to face- the moral and spiritual dimension of our lives.

As long as everything is going well we live as if we are never going to die. Then crisis hits and death slaps us in the face. Rather than humbling ourselves and searching our hearts like the Pilgrims did, we lash out at God and anyone who dares insinuate Him into our lives.

What the Robertson bashers left out is that finally, and with great compassion and concern in his voice, Pat said, "They need to have, and we need to pray for them, a great turning to God and out of this tragedy I am optimistic that some good thing may come, but right now we are helping the suffering people and the suffering is unimaginable."

Agree or disagree with what Pat said, it was well within the bounds of historic Christian theology. Maybe that's the real problem after all.

Man is offended by the fact that he is not God. They resent God's Providence. A simple reading of the Bible shows how God uses natural disasters to further his purposes. Earthquakes, floods, famine, locusts, etc. they're all there, but man hates it. Rather than humbly acknowledging that God's ways are not our ways, man rails against and accuses God. The last thing they will do is cry out for his mercy in Jesus Christ.

So Pat is an easy target. But before you judge him perhaps you ought to know that the whole time he was making these comments they had the number on their screen for their viewers to give to their humanitarian relief organization Operation Blessing. OB has already been at work in Haiti long before the earthquake.

Operation Blessing has touched the lives of more than 209.3 million people in 105 countries and all 50 states, providing goods and services valued at more than $1.7 billion. So, once you have surpassed that, then you will be in a better place to judge Pat Robertson. In the meantime, let's do what Pat is doing and bless the poor people of Haiti.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Christian Bashing

So this came in my inbox. I always like sharing the crazy shit, so here it is:

Christian bashing, the last acceptable form of bigotry in America, is alive and well and growing more intense and hysterical by the day. For decades, desperate secularists and cultural elites have stereotyped and marginalized conservative Christians in an effort to stop their growing influence on American culture. And the defamation of Christians by “progressives” is only getting worse.

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly recently responded to the call for a Christian anti-defamation organization by saying, “I agree with you, but I don’t know who’s going to do it.” Christian Bashing contains the answer.

Christian Bashing documents the looming danger and the biblical mandate to defend the faith. Reading this book will inspire you to stand up for Christ and equip you with the knowledge to do the job well.

Click here to get your copy while
they last! (Sugg. Donation: $25)

It’s over! The time for letting Christian bashing go unchallenged has come to an end! And we want to put the answers right in your hands.

To get your copy of Christian Bashing rushed to your door, please make a donation of at least $25 that will go toward fighting Christian Bashing and cover the costs of printing and shipping. Please click here to make a donation. The book will automatically be sent to you as our way of saying Thank You. Our doors would not be open without people like you.

Don't miss getting your copy while they last!

Really?! Because last I experienced, it was the non Non-Christians who were having their freedom of speech stifled. case in point, over the holidays, many Freethinkers tried to place displays on court lawns in different states, and cities. Many had to fight in court for that right, including the state I live in, Arkansas. Jerry Cox, our local Christian Martyr cried, pissed, moaned and whined about how we were trying to make sure their display of the nativity was taken down, how freethinkers were trying to tear apart the christian holiday. If it had not have been so damn funny, it would have been sad. Freethinkers pretty much believe that if you want to believe all the silly shit, do so. But please leave us alone to disbelieve as we wish. Had we been a Jewish group wanting to set up a menorah we would have not been bothered. Had we been a new church in the area wanting to set up a Christian display, They would have backed us. Our display was not demeaning, or distasteful. We were bashed in the news, as were other freethinking and atheist groups across the nation. Christian Bashing? Some one has been dipping into the communion wine again!

Why we Don't need Hate Crime Legislation

So I received this tidbit in my emails the other day, very interesting:

No one is in favor of injustice, much less hate, nor is any one is in favor of crime. But this is not really about justice. Honest homosexuals admit that these laws are not needed for law enforcement purposes. This is not like during the time when blacks were being murdered and denied justice by corrupt courts so that the Federal government had to intervene. There is no similar pattern of injustice or lack of enforcement towards victims who are homosexual. The attempt to include sexual orientation into law is only one more step in the process to normalize homosexual behavior. This is part of an incremental strategy to force acceptance of homosexuality into all parts of the culture under the color of law and to punish those who appose it.

Hate crimes enhancements turns justice on its head and creates unequal justice under law. Rather than correcting an inequity, like it originally did for blacks, now it creates injustice. Hates crimes creates a class of criminals who are “more guilty,” not because of what they did, but because of what they might have been thinking. It also creates unequal justice for different classes of victims, some who are considered “more worthy” of greater legal protection than others. Thomas Jefferson said, “the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions…” The government is not competent to read a person's mind, much less criminalize his opinions.

The Problems

  1. Proving hatred as a motivation is very difficult and a matter of opinion, thus prone to abuse. By the way, when has a criminal ever lovingly murdered, assaulted or vandalized? Hate crimes assumes that when a particular person is harmed there is harm to a similar class of victims. This harm is simply assumed, and the criminal is unjustly punished for an unproven crime.
  2. What other groups are we supposed to add to the victim class? There is no limit to the number of groups one can think of by characteristics- size, parentage, freckles, glasses, left handed, red hair? Equal justice under law is the just, equitable biblical standard.
  3. It is rather easy to fake the appearance of a hate crime in order to gain sympathy for one’s group. This has happened and has been increasing in popularity.
  4. Murder, assault and vandalism are already criminalized under state statutes. Jurisdiction for these kinds of crimes belong to the states, unless the states are not enforcing them.
  5. Hate crime laws are merely “feel-good statutes” which are being used primarily to effect social change by normalizing homosexual behavior. In some states with hate crimes people have been accused of hate crimes simply for preaching the Gospel which the state defines as biased against a particular group. This is an assault on First Amendment rights of free speech, Religious Liberty and freedom of conscience. If these intrusive laws are passed, the truth about the homosexual behavior will be suppressed by those who call the truth hate. The church has a spiritual obligation to call all sinners to repentance, including those who indulge in homosexual behavior, lest they suffer its negative consequences emotionally, physically, spiritually and eternally.

Christians Already Jailed for Practicing Freedom of Speech

  1. St. Petersburg, Fla. Five Christians including two pastors were arrested at a homosexual rally for stepping onto the public sidewalk instead staying caged in their officially designated "free speech zone."
  2. Elmira, N.Y. The Elmira police arrested seven Christians for praying in a public park where a homosexual festival was getting started.
  3. Crystal Lake, Ill. Two 16-year-old girls are facing felony "hate crime" charges for the content of their flyers.
  4. Philadelphia, Pa. Arlene Elshinnawy, a 75-year-old grandmother of three, and Linda Beckman, a 70-year-old grandmother of 10 (along with nine others), were arrested for sharing their faith on the public sidewalk.

Here is the problem, once again, a Christian writer has bent the truth to fit their needs. After much research, this is what I have found concerning each of the cases listed.

  • St. Petersburg, Fla. Five Christians, including two pastors, were arrested at a homosexual rally for stepping onto the public sidewalk instead of staying caged in their officially designated "free speech zone." Their signs were also "illegal" because they were slightly "bigger than their torsos." Apparently, large people are entitled to more speech than those with smaller frames.

Surprise -- the leader of the protests, Rev. Billy Ball, is another bullhorn wielding preacher, and it turns out that one of his protesters reportedly frightened an 8-year-old child by walking up to her and her mother with a sign that said, "You're Going To Hell.

2. Elmira, N.Y. The Elmira police arrested seven Christians for praying in a public park where a homosexual festival was getting started. A female officer told the group, "You're not going to enter the park, and you're not going to share your religion with anybody in this park." The group of seven didn't say anything, but got down on their faces and silently prayed.

They were promptly placed in handcuffs.

left out was an important detail : According to a June 24 Elmira Star-Gazette article on the incident, the group did their silent praying in front of the stage, thus disrupting the event. Also failed to mention, as the Star-Gazette detailed, that the protesters were quickly released and returned to the event, though not in the park.

A June 27 Star-Gazette article described the leader of the protesters, Julian Raven, as "a born-again Christian street preacher" and quoted an Elmira pastor as describing Raven's preaching style as "zealous and militant." The article added:

Julian preaches loudly and with a passion that borders on anger. He holds a Bible in one hand and waves his other in the air as punctuation, while he wails of woes and bellows about schools removing the Ten Commandments, television shows "full of filth" and violence spreading across the city and the nation.

3. Crystal Lake, Illinois. Two 16 year old girls are facing felony "hate crime" charges for the content of their flyers.

Another misleadingly benign statement. The girls in Crystal Lake, in fact, faced charges after allegedly plastering their high school’s halls and distributing anti-gay fliers directed towards a fellow student. The flyers apparently stemmed from a recent dispute between one of the girls who was arrested and one of the boys who was pictured. Classmates said the flier showed a picture of two boys kissing along with the words, "God hates fags." The prosecuting attorney said the students targeted a specific person and his sexual orientation; others have called it merely a prank that went too far. Seems like bullying to me!

4. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Arlene Elshinnawy, a 75-year-old grandmother of three, and Linda Beckman, a 70-year-old grandmother of 10 (along with nine others), were arrested for sharing their faith on the public sidewalk.

Elshinnawy and Beckman are the two women painted as innocent grandmothers. As documented, "sharing their faith on the public sidewalk" is a misleadingly benign description of what they were doing; in fact, they were doing the bidding of street preacher Michael Marcavage of the group Repent America, who used a bullhorn to try an interrupt a stage performance at a gay street festival in Philadelphia, and were arrested only after they refused to go to an area on the edge of the event.

Seems we do indeed need Hate Crime Legislation. Quiet frankly, it looks as though minorities need to be protested from Christians. One need only ask, why would you want to be a Christian?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pat Robertson

LOS ANGELES - Evangelist and television commentator Pat Robertson issued several remarks some considered to be off-color in the wake of Tuesday's devastating earthquake in Haiti.

"Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," Robertson's commentary began during a broadcast of The 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

"They (Haitians) were under the heel of the French...and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said 'We will serve you'...and so, the devil said 'Okay, it's a deal' and kicked the French out," Robertson said.

During an earlier report with a reporter for Robertson's CBN News, the televangelist questioned whether the earthquake in Haiti was a "blessing in disguise."

"They need to have...a great turning to God," Robertson concluded, adding that the earthquake may have been a direct consequence of their Satanic "pact" years earlier.

News of Robertson's commentary spread through social networking websites Twitter and, where outraged citizens of the Internet expressed disgust by the statement.

"May God forgive us for the times we make mistakes like Pat Robertson and fail to show compassion for the poor," one Twitter user wrote.

"Pat Robertson's reported comments on Haiti are embarrassing, unhelpful and counter-gospel," another Twitter user posted.

Robertson founded the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1961. Five years later, Robertson launched the television program The 700 Club, which featured the televangelist's political and religious commentary. Along with Robertson's commentary and insight, the program spotlights current events, including political and natural events of crisis.

It is difficult for me to understand how this racist piece of pigshit has any followers. Can someone please explain that to me? This is not just a one time thing for him, either. Patty Cakes is always spewing hate against those who do not agree with his world view. The man is disgusting! When he has a heart attack and drops dead (which won't be soon enough for me!) it will be a 'blessing in disguise' for those of us who are exposed to his perverted bull shit thinking while flipping through the channels to find American Idol. Why is it that people like this live so long?

"They (Haitians) were under the heel of the French...and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said 'We will serve you'...and so, the devil said 'Okay, it's a deal' and kicked the French out," Robertson said.

Come on Patty Cakes, you were not there, you can't be sure of what the devil said. You are just going on hearsay.
I mean, come on really? that's all the Devil wanted out of this deal? no blow job, no virgins thrown on the fire? That doesn't sound very devilish, does it?

Here is how he feels about Scotland:

In 1999 Robertson said Scotland was "a dark land" overrun by homosexuals. This caused the Bank of Scotland to drop plans for a business operation with him. Many Scottish customers were unhappy that their bank should do business with him.

Kudos to Scotland the Brave!!!

Remember when Pat made some nasty comments about
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ? Let me refresh your memory on some of his insanely rude comments over the years on different subjects:

"God has enmity against those who, quote 'divide my land,' Robertson told his television audience. "And I would say, Woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the E.U., the United Nations or the United States of America. God says, This land belongs to me. You better leave it alone." Robertson added that the 1995 assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was, "the same thing."

Here is Israel's response:

Israel Rejects Pat Robertson

Del Williams
The price of inferring that the stroke that Israel's Prime minister Sharon suffered was punishment from God for withdrawing from Gaza, is an end to their relationship.

Tourism Minister Abraham Hirchson gave instructions to "stop all contact" with groups associated with Robertson.

He said, "We will not do business with him, only with other evangelicals who don't back these comments," Hartuv said. "We will do business with other evangelical leaders, friends of Israel, but not with him."

Pat Robertson tried to make up for his remarks with a letter to Sharon's son, Omri.
In the letter he said, "My concern for the future safety of your nation led me to make remarks which I can now view in retrospect as inappropriate and insensitive in light of a national grief experienced because of your father's illness." He then went on to say, "I ask your forgiveness and the forgiveness of the people of Israel."

So, this letter was a little too late to resurrect a Christian Heritage center that Robertson planned for Israel, complete with studios and tours. It would have brought millions to the Israel economy. Israel is smart enough to take money from a person who has shown his true thoughts of Arial Sharon by his comments. They needed the money, but not bad enough to take it from an enemy. Good on you Israel for not putting up with douche baggery!

How about this remark made about other denominations who do not believe as he does:

On January 14, 1991, on The 700 Club, Pat Robertson attacked a number of Protestant denominations when he declared: "You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist." He has never recanted this statement, though he has supported the election of certain Episcopalians.

Here is some interesting info on Robertson:

Robertson repeatedly supported former President of Liberia,Charles Taylor, in various episodes of his 700 club program during the United States' involvement in the Second Liberian Civil War in June and July 2003. Robertson accuses the U.S. State Department of giving then President Bush bad advice in supporting Taylor's ouster as president, and of trying "as hard as they can to destabilize Liberia."

Robertson was criticized for failing to mention in his broadcasts his $8,000,000 (USD) investment in a Liberian gold mine. Taylor had been indicted by the United Nations for war crimes at the time of Robertson's support.

Prosecutors also said that Taylor had harbored members of Al Qaeda responsible for the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. According to Robertson, the Liberian gold mine Freedom Gold was intended to help pay for humanitarian and evangelical efforts in Liberia, when in fact the company was allowed to fail leaving many debts both in Liberia and in the international mining service sector. Regarding this controversy, Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention's public policy said, "I would say that Pat Robertson is way out on his own, in a leaking life raft, on this one."

Robertson has also been accused of using his tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, Operation Blessing, as a front for his own financial gain, and then using his influence in the Republican Party to cover his tracks. After making emotional pleas in 1994 on The 700 Club for cash donations to Operation Blessing to support airlifts of refugees from Rwanda to Zaire, it was later discovered, by a reporter from The Virginian-Pilot, that Operation Blessing's planes were transporting diamond-mining equipment for the Robertson-owned African Development Corporation, a venture Robertson had established in cooperation with Zaire's dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, whom Robertson had befriended earlier in 1993. According to Operation Blessing documents, Robertson personally owned the planes used for Operation Blessing airlifts.

In 1993, Mobutu was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department after he sought to visit Washington D.C. Shortly after this, Robertson tried to get the State Department to lift its ban on the African leader.

An investigation by the Commonwealth of Virginia's Office of Consumer Affairs determined that Robertson "willfully induced contributions from the public through the use of misleading statements and other implications" and called for a criminal prosecution against Robertson in 1999. However, Virginia Attorney General Mark Earley, a Republican whose largest campaign contributor two years earlier was Robertson himself, intervened, accepting that Robertson had made deceptive appeals but overruling the recommendation for his prosecution. No charges were ever brought against Robertson. "Two years earlier, while Virginia's investigation was gathering steam, Robertson donated $35,000 to Earley's campaign — Earley's largest contribution."


On his 700 Club television program, Pat Robertson has sharply criticized elements of the United States government and "special interest" groups that don't share his views. In interviews with the author of a book critical of the United States Department of State, Robertson made suggestions that the explosion of a nuclear weapon at State Department Headquarters would be good for the country, and repeated those comments on the air. "What we need is for somebody to place a small nuke at Foggy Bottom." Robertson said during his television program, referring to the location of the State Department headquarters. State Department officials said they believed the comments to be in extremely bad taste, and have lodged official complaints against Robertson for his remarks.

In April 2002, Robertson acknowledged owning a race horse, named "Mr. Pat." He told a New York Times reporter that his interest in the horse was based purely on its aesthetics. "I don't bet and I don't gamble. I just enjoy watching horses running and performing." Harder to explain was why he spent $520,000 on the horse and intended it to compete at the track. But the resulting furor over Robertson's direct participation in a gambling racket eventually caused him to sell the horse a month after the Times story broke.

On the August 22, 2005 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson said of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez:
"I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don’t think any oil shipments will stop."

Robertson also said that Chávez was infiltration and Muslim "going to make Venezuela launching pad for Communist extremism all over the continent" and called the leader an "out-of-control dictator... a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil that could hurt us very badly."

Assassinations of heads of state have been against U.S. policy since an executive order against them was issued in 1976; in response Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield said that "our department doesn't do that kind of thing." Bernardo Alvarez, Venezuela's ambassador to the U.S., demanded a stronger condemnation from the White House and that the United States "respect our country and its president."

On the August 24 edition of The 700 Club, Robertson asserted that he hadn't actually called for Chávez's assassination, but that there were other ways of "taking him out", such as having special forces carry out a kidnapping. Robertson explicitly denied having used the word "assassination", though the word "assassinate" was present in his initial statement. Later that day, he issued a written statement in which he said, "Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement. I spoke in frustration that we should accommodate the man who thinks the U.S. is out to kill him". However, he continued to justify his original stance on the potential threat Chávez posed to U.S. interests.

On Sunday, August 28, 2005, Chávez called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the matter: "My government is going to take legal action in the United States," he said in a televised speech. "If the U.S. government does not take the necessary steps, we will denounce the U.S. government at the United Nations and the Organization of American States."

On February 2, 2006 edition of Hannity and Colmes, Pat Robertson once again called for Chávez's assassination. When Colmes asked Robertson "Do you want him taken out?", Robertson replied "Not now, but one day, one day, one day."

Now, while I am no fan of Chavez, I certainly am not calling for his assassination! Hell, I f I wanted to kill everyone with whom I disagree, or disagrees with me, everyone would be dead! If I killed people on whether or not I like them, there would be a few dead folks lying around. Normal minds do not think this way Patty Cakes, ye ole asshat!

On his November 10, 2005 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson told citizens of Dover Pennsylvania that they had rejected God by voting out of office all seven members of the school board who support intelligent design.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city", Robertson said on his broadcast.

"And don't wonder why he hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because He might not be there."

In a written statement, Robertson later clarified his comments:

"God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in His eye forever. If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."

Here is a good on on Muslims coming from Mr Christian:

On the September 25, 2006 broadcast of The 700 Club Robertson stated "It's amazing how the Muslims deal with history and the truth with violence. They don't understand what reasoned dialogue is...."

Pot, meet Kettle!

How about this racist shit against Asians:

On the February 7, 2007 edition of The 700 Club, Robertson stated that people who have too much plastic surgery "got the eyes like they're Oriental" and stretched his eyelids in a manner stereotypical of Asians.

On October 14, 2006 a video was posted on YouTube showing a segment of CNN's Larry King Live during coverage of the 1992 presidential election. The video shows a small portion of Pat Robertson's speech at the Republican Convention, and later goes on to show him responding to a caller (who referred to himself as a Republican) that called the convention "hateful". In the proceeding footage, which was shot during a commercial break, Robertson refers to the caller as a homosexual even though he had not identified himself as such.

The list goes on and on folks! He has made rude remarks against Hindus,
feminism, homosexuality, abortion and liberalism.

Robertson seems to have foot-in-mouth disease. In the last several years, he has made inappropriate remarks, for which he then has to retrack or apologize. Wouldn't it be easier to think before he spoke, and think of the ramifications of the remark? He has shown himself to be thoughtless, merciless, and just mean spirited.

Maybe Israel has the answer to the Robertson problem. They cut him off. If only Americans would get smart enough to do that!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Debating homosexuality with a Christian

friend upon discovering this preachers thoughts on killing homosexuals:

This kind of thing is clearly not biblical. In the worst case, Christ hates the sin not the sinner.

Of course it is biblical! the bible clearly states that if a man lies with another man as he would a woman they have committed an abomination and would/should be put to death.

Ana, that is old testament and Jesus has full filled all those rules and we have a new covenant in Christ. Love they neighbor as thyself. Unlike other religions we are not to love an atheist any less than we do a fellow Christian. We may not agree with them but that is no reason for hate. None of us are perfect so we all have something about ourselves that someone could choose to hate.

yes, I like that old argument, I get it often. I always like to ask Christians if they eat shrimp, and lobster. According to god, that is as much an abomination as being homosexual. They then try to back it up with christ coming and the 'out with the old, in with the new' thing. Problem with that is that according to the writings of the New Testament, christ did not come to push aside those old laws and make a new covenant, the old laws are still very much in affect. I would like to direct you to Matthew 5:17 where Jesus tells folks "Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose."

now, if you want to go back to 'out with the old, in with the new' ( in spite of the fact that he clearly states that he came not to abolish but to fulfill the laws of the old testament) then eating shellfish is ok, as is mixing dairy with meat (dietary laws) etc... and that would also mean that homosexuality is in the clear to be practiced again without condemnation. No where in the New Testament does it say anything about homosexuality being any sort of abomination.

so which is it? can't have it both ways!

I am not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. We could agree nick picking details and day and still be arguing tomorrow. All I'm saying is that demonizing the individual is wrong no matter which side of the argument you are on.

I totally agree with that 100% David. I would just like to know from a Christian standpoint, how do you rationalize that contradiction? Granted it is not a contradiction in the bible, but in the words you posted: "It is clearly not biblical." Why do christians get upset when the Fred Phelps, and Steve Andersons climb out of the wood work making insane statements such as these? They are just doing what the bible has instructed. I am not trying to start a problem, I am just trying to understand WHY?! It is clearly stated, you can't just skirt around it when it is there in black and white. So tell me how does one come to the conclusion that it is not biblical. God clearly demonized homosexuality in the old testament when he said it was an abomination, and they should/would be killed.

And why is it when I ask a christian honest questions, I want to know how they justify something I am hit with the same thing. No one can give me a clear answer, all they can do is say something such as, "I think it is wrong, I am not here to debate or convince anyone." So I will ask one more time, because I honestly want to know, How do you Justify that statement in light of the scriptures that say otherwise? Does this not give you pause to think?

when cornered, they are not here to debate, they are just here to love their neighbor. Isn't that sweet? They get called on their bull shit, they can't answer, so they try to turn the conversation in a different direction and hope you do not notice.

Just thought I'd share!

Homosexuality in the Bible

A christian friend of mine posted about a preacher in Arizona that is full of hate towards homosexuals and thinks it is OK, according to the bible of course, to kill them! Reverend Steven L Anderson is a real man of god. Seems he hates everyone, could he be the next Fred Phelps?! He also wants god to strike the president dead. A true man of love. So my friend post this article on 'that social network' that says this man actually preaches that homosexuals should be put to death. We'll Steven Anderson is correct, it is in their, Lev 20:13 says: If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. What caught me off guard was his response to the article:

This kind of thing is clearly not biblical. In the worst case, Christ hates the sin not the sinner.

whoa! WHAT?! Do you read your bible at all?! God was ruthless! I always like to ask Christians if they eat shrimp, and lobster. According to god, that is as much an abomination as being homosexual. They then try to back it up with christ coming and the 'out with the old, in with the new' thing. Problem with that is that according to the writings of the new testament, christ did not come to push aside those old laws and make a new covenant, the old laws are still very much in affect. I would like to direct you to Matthew 5:17 where Jesus tells folks "Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose." I think I went over this juicy tidbit in my last blog?

Now, if you want to go back to 'out with the old, in with the new' ( in spite of the fact that he clearly states that he came not to abolish but to fulfill the laws of the old testament) then eating shellfish is ok, as is mixing dairy with meat (dietary laws) etc... and that would also mean that homosexuality is in the clear to be practiced again without condemnation.

On the other hand, fornication is frowned upon in the New Testament. I wonder why we never hear much about that? main point is, you can't have it both ways.

Now, a note to my friends who are homosexual and christian. I will ask in the best Julia Sweeney voice I can, for it was she who came up with this question that should make you really think:

"'What are you trying to do wanting to be in a church? Why is anyone trying to be in a church? It's like saying, "'Why can't I be in the KKK? They kicked me out.'"

Figure it all out, manipulate everything just so...then get back with me on this effed up lopsided BS argument. I'll be here waiting.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What the Bible Says About Children

So a few words about what the bible says about children:

Children who refuse to obey their parents must be executed.
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21
He that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death. -- Exodus 21:15
He that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. -- Exodus 21:17
Children who mock their parents will have their eyes plucked out by ravens and eaten by eagles.
The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it. -- Proverbs 30:17
Like Abraham, parents should be willing to kill their children for God.
And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and ... offer him there for a burnt offering.... And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. -- Genesis 22:2,10
God killed all the firstborn children in an entire country.
The LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon.... And there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead. -- Exodus 12:29-30
Sometimes God kills children for misbehaving.
And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. -- 2 Kings 2:23-24
Someday God will force parents eat their own children.
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. -- Leviticus 26:29
And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters. -- Deuteronomy 28:53
And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend. -- Jeremiah 19:9
And then there's this statement, which could only be found in the Bible:
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

I don't guess God is a fan of children? I don't know what is more frightening, that people actually think the Bible is a book of morality, or that this kind of writing is in the hands of millions who take the bible literally. Do they follow ALL scriptures? Take it ALL literally? They say they do. How many of them would actually kill their children for disobedience? Let's face it folks, there would be no one left on earth! Sure, I could use these verses to scare my kids into minding me, but isn't that child abuse? Could you imagine me in the middle of a grocery store telling my kids "Get your hands off of that and put it back on the shelf, or I am going to kill you!" How many dirty looks would I get? I bet if you asked anyone giving you dirty looks if they believed in the bible they would say yes. Do you take the scripture literally? 'Of course!' they would exclaim. Then start qouting some of the above scripture, and see if they do not call you a loon! See if some one doesn't report you to child protective services. I can see they judge now, the children removed from the home, sent into foster care. Why? because it is CRAZY!! The judge would tell you 'common sense tells us this is unacceptable' yet the scripture is accepted on a weekly basis in the pew of every Christian church. It just doesn't compute. Threatening a child in ANY manner, whether it is physically, emotionally, or mentally is child abuse. I can't think of anything more emotionally scarring than telling your child that the bible is acceptable. I can think of nothing more abusive than telling your child that if they do not accept, against all logic, having an invisible friend, they will burn eternally. I do not know how any parent could tell this to their child, I could not tell this crap to mine. And why do Christians bitch when you point this out to them? simple, they were unaware it was in there, they have probably NEVER read their bible thoroughly. They do not WANT it pointed out to them, it might make them rethink their bible, possibly their god! you know? kind of like if I do not see the starving children on TV, they just don't exist. Makes life easier if you do not know the cold hard truth.

Before you let a Christian tell you that the old laws were done away with when Jesus came, might want to direct them to Matthew 5:17 where Jesus tells folks "Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose."

Then let them explain.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dear Mr Uhaul man...

When I called this afternoon to reserve my truck for next week, I expected you to be over your hangover by now. Still drinking are ya? well, stop! I have some moving to do, and I really do not have time for some lame brained jackass screwing up my order! I am pulling out of here on the 15th, if I have to hijack a truck on the 14th to do it so be it. While we are on the subject of my order, can you not spell or at least listen to me when I spell? it took me 40 minutes to walk you through what I needed and spell each word for you. It would have taken me 7 minutes to order on the internet! The only reason I did not hang up after spelling ANA for you for the 3rd time is because to last time I was in there, you offered me a discount. Laughing hysterically does not cover up the fact that you can not spell 'Ana' or worse yet, 'Uhaul'!! You work there, learn to spell it! I know you are probably sitting there in bewilderment as you said 'God bless you' and I responded with 'may the big toe bless you!' someday when your not drunk, I'll explain that one to you. Now, go find my moving truck and get it ready. I am picking it up next Thursday, and if it isn't correct, or ready, you may find that the 'Big Toe' does indeed bless folks, not the way you would hope, but it does!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dear Next Door Neighbor....

I know Saturday and Sunday are the only days you have off to work your land, but they are the only days my husband and I have off as well. Revving up your tractor three weekends in a row on both Saturday and Sunday at 7:00am is becoming very old. I also realize you have no life outside of that 10 acres you just bought next to our land, the heavens know with that insipid personality of yours, you will more than likely never get laid, but there are those of us who do stay up late on Friday nights or Saturday nights to do just that, after the kiddos have gone to sleep.

So let me give you a piece of advise you rude bastard: do not start that tractor tomorrow morning when the Sunday sky starts to shine. Do yourself a huge favor and go to church and pray to that god you claim is so good to you. though I can't see this being true seeing that your 45 years old and having never seen a tit, let alone been laid! Find something quiet to do. Watch some boob tube, read the paper, sleep in for pity sake! sit back and have a nice cup of joe, because come tomorrow morning, if you start that fucking tractor before 10:00am in the morning, I am going to personally come over to your property, knock you off the damn thing and pull your ball sack stretching it tightly up between your legs until you groan in tremendous pain. Then I will snap your sack like a rubber band so hard your balls will thump you in your nerdy screwed up face. Then you will have no choice but to turn off the damn tractor, and go in your house and soak your painful balls in a bowl of ice. Can you say tea bagging a bowl of Ice?!

Go ahead, turd make my day!

Dear makers of Fiber bars....

I assumed the Fiber bar had fiber in it, I assumed it would make me feel full, and I assumed it would give me a trip to the bathroom. However I did not know it would leave me with stomach cramping that would leave me doubled over on the floor due to the large quantity of gas caused by your fucked up product! I also had no idea that it would cause massive ass explosions into the damn toilet!

Who in the hell makes a product that leaves one in so much pain that they actually considered praying to any one of the supposed gods in heaven, tooth fairy, easter bunny, santa clause and anyone else that may be able to help pull them through the next ass explosion? If ever there were a such thing as satan, I would swear he/she/it cooked up the recipe for this crapfest inducing food.

What kind of sick fuck thought of marketing this so called food. I will forever be convinced that your fucked up fiber bars are made with large quantities of
ex lax. Had I been informed of this on the box of your tasty snack bars were in, masquerading as a food product, I could have just taken the short cut and eaten a box of chocolate flavored ex lax.

Thanks a lot you idiot fucksticks for a night of misery and pain like no childbirth experience could have possibly compared!

Rule #1 do not eat a Fiber One bar 1 hour before playing slap and tickle with your significant other.

rule #2 do not eat a Fiber One bar before going to the gym to work out.

rule#3 if you like eating food to be a part of your daily routine, don't eat a Fiber One bar period!

I got Droids!

So I went to upgrade my phone today. The lady that helped us was nice enough. I had my Blackberry in my back pocket. When it rang, she thought I was having stomach problems until I demonstrated that my ring tone was in fact the sound of a nice soggy fart. So was not amused. At that point I lost any respect for her, for she had no sense of humor. I picked out the phone I wanted and one for my husband proudly exclaimed, "Look honey, I have droids!" Again, no sense of humor. I was disappointed. I bet she is a real blast to hang with! OK, the Droid is an awesome phone if your wondering. I traded up from a Blackberry, and so far so good, but it's only been 6 hours. I'll let you know if I am still madly in love with my Droid in a couple of months. Funny thing about this lady that waited on us, her husband was standing against the wall waiting for her to get off work. I couldn't help but notice how many times this guy had to straighten his dangly bits, or reach deeply to scratch his ass. It made me wonder what her problem was with my ring tone. Maybe it just hit a little too close to home?

New at Blogging, not so much at bitching!

So, I am thinking I will put my thoughts out there for all to see at the great risk of 80% of folks in my state chasing me down in the streets with butcher knives in hand, or worse yet, knocking on my door to witness to me about the love of Jebus! I always go for shock value and respond with "no, I have slept with Jesus, his love was not that good." Well, anyway, I have a lot to bitch about and it all comes tumbling out of my head and horrifyingly enough out of my mouth as well! Maybe this will help curb my appetite for letting stupid people around me know how stupid I really think they are. Maybe not. At the very least, it will give me a place to come and place my thoughts some where, and perhaps help me keep up with whom I have accused of being stupid so that I do not continue to beat up on the same person day in and day out.

I promise I will be here to bitch on a weekly basis. I am good at it, and for some reason, stupid people are attracted to me. Part of the reason I believe they like to corner me is because I am
A) a woman and B)an atheist. usually the stupidity comes from Christian folks who just do not understand that I know their bible probably better than they do! Throw that scripture at me Brother Yaps-a-lot, I can hurl it right back at you! I was a preachers daughter for 20+ years. Been there, done that. Since I felt no need for a cigarette after the fact, I am not interested in doing it again! I live in the bible belt, well, at least for now. I have some wonderful children and an awesome husband. I am one of those women who LOVES their mother in law. No, really, I do. She is a wise old woman for whom I care deeply and admire. After all, she did raise one hell of an awesome son!

So I hope you visit often. They are my thoughts, and you must understand, I think life is to short to hold back, so I will be bitching often. Thanks for listening.